Square Web Solutions, LLC prefers to work with project based fees. Often these fees are flat fees for the completion of a project or task. This allows for flexibility on projects that may require more time or resources without incurring additional fees to the client within the scope and agreement of the project.
Website Design and Development
Full website (Creation or Redesign):Use of cost calculator will determine fee based off of desired development options.
Payment options include “50/50” or monthly.
Landing Page (Creation or Redesign):$250 per page
App Development
Hybrid App Development (iOS and Android):Use of cost calculator will determine fee based off of desired development options.
Payment options include “50/50” or monthly.
Please note that the App will either be maintained or managed by Square Web Solutions, LLC with ongoing maintenance/management service agreement or 100% wholly by client in which client assumes all responsibility of maintenance, management and updates including maintaining of app store accounts and developer credentials/accounts.
Auxiliary Tasks/Projects/Services
Includes anything that is not specifically listed in this fee schedule. These will be assessed either by comparable market value or at hourly rate.
Payment options may include 100% upfront, “50/50” or monthly.
Technical Support
Hands off Support:$75/month service agreement
Hands on Support:Starts at $250/month service agreement
Considered to be proactively updating and maintaining of technical components of the website/app. Includes Hands on Technical Support.
Website Maintenance:Starts at $550/month (per domain/site) service agreement
Hands on Technical Support
Proactive Updates to website technical components
Updates to CMS core files, themes and plugins
Website level caching for speed improvement
Malware scans and removal
Local and offsite backups (and restoration if needed)
10X – 100X faster than standard shared hosting providers
Server level Firewall, Malware Scans, and Anti-DDOS for extra security
Server Level Caching for enhanced speed
Includes server level setup, monitoring, management, maintenance and patches/updates if hosted by Square Web Solutions, LLC (*server management not dictated by client)
Cloudflare DNS, CDN (Content Delivery Network), caching, speed and security integration at no additional cost
Content updates are not included on maintence level agreements, but may be requested at additional cost.
See the below management agreements, which includes content updates (adding or editing of text, images, pages, posts, etc.)
App Maintenance:starts at $1250/month service agreement
Hands on Technical Support
Proactive Updates to online web server technical components
Malware scans and removal on online web server
Annual Framework updates
Includes option for Square Web Solutions, LLC to host web delivered content on fast exclusive Managed Virtual Private Servers (VPS) at no additional cost
Includes server level management, maintenance and updates if web delivered content is hosted by Square Web Solutions, LLC
Cloudflare DNS, CDN (Content Delivery Network), caching, speed and security integration at no additional cost
Secure hosting SSL certificates at no additional cost
Content updates are not included on maintence level agreements.
Considered to be updating and maintaining of content of the website/app including the addition of sections or pages. Includes Hands on Technical Support and Maintenance.
Website Management:Starts at $950/month (per domain/site) service agreement
Priority Support
Includes Maintenance and maintenance plan options/features($550/month value)
Content updates and additions (text, images, pages, posts, etc.)
10X – 100X faster than standard shared hosting providers
Server level Firewall, Malware Scans, and Anti-DDOS for extra security
Server Level Caching for enhanced speed
Includes server level setup, monitoring, management, maintenance and patches/updates if hosted by Square Web Solutions, LLC
Hosting option also includes MyVesta Control Panel, Plesk or cPanel account and access if desired
Hosting option also includes domain email/webmail accounts if desired as well as POP/IMAP/SMTP features
Option for Email Marketing /E-Newsletter plugin added directly to the site without additional platform/subscriber/sending fee or limit included if available and requested ($11/month – $299/month value based on MailChimps Essential to Premium Email Plans)
Options for Premium Paid WordPress Themes and/or Plugins at no additional cost(avg value of $50+)
Cloudflare DNS, CDN (Content Delivery Network), caching, speed and security integration at no additional cost
App Management: Starts at $3500/month service agreement
Priority Support
Includes Maintenance
Content updates and additions (text, images, pages/screens, etc.)
Monthly and/or Weekly Analytics Reporting
Bi-annual framework updates (more often at additional cost)
Includes option for once a year app redesign and full level versioning (more often at additional cost)
Includes option for Square Web Solutions, LLC to host web delivered content on fast exclusive Premium Level Managed Virtual Private Servers (VPS) at no additional cost
Option for Dedicated Server and server resources at additional cost
Cloudflare DNS, CDN (Content Delivery Network), caching, speed and security integration at no additional cost
Secure hosting SSL certificates at no additional cost
Ad Monetizing options available
Options for App marketing also available
Combination App and Website management at discounted package price
Social Media Assistance: Single account Posting up to 3 times a week: Starts at $350/month service agreement
Please Note: Assistance Level only provides posting to social media, not “managing”, responding/engaging, paid marketing/ads, etc. Please see Management Level for additional services.
Additional accounts/networks add $250 per account
Single Social Media Management: Engaging and responding to comments/questions, “liking”, following”, re-sharing/re-posting, posting original content one to multiple times a day to single managed account and more: Starts at $1500/month service agreement
additional accounts/networks add $750/month
Bundle discounts for multiple accounts/networks or web management available
Includes $50/month Paid Social Media Advertising per account
Includes research, technical support as well as planning and strategy (“Hands off”): Starts at $1500/month service agreement
Includes research and development, technical support as well as planning and strategy (“Hands on”): Starts at $3500/month service agreement
Sub Contract
Defined as when the end client pays you for services to which Square Web Solutions, LLC completes and you pay Square Web Solutions, LLC for the services performed.
Project/Task Based Sub Contract Work (without service agreement):Project/Task rate at 10% discount on market value rate using cost calculator or $75/hr for web development based projects/tasks and $125/hr for app development based projects/tasks.
Please note hourly rates without service agreement apply to any and all time expended by Square Web Solutions, LLC related to the sub-contract.
Availability service agreement:Starts at $850/month + $65/hr web development and/or $115/hr app development and/or 20% discount on market value project/task rate.
With the Availability service agreement, hours are calculated at “Hand to Keyboard” hours.
Important! Availability service agreement will be requested if the Square Web Solutions, LLC is expected to be available to client for regularly requested tasks, projects, services or communications throughout the month.
All inclusive Sub-contract service agreement:Starts at $9500/month
“All Inclusive” refers to retaining the Square Web Solutions, LLC for availability as well as all tasks, projects and services performed without additional Square Web Solutions, LLC/labor fees.
Sales Rep/Referral Commissions
Must be a warm and viable referral. Square Web Solutions, LLC maintains all discretion on acceptance or non-acceptance of referral without reason or cause.
25% commission for monthly service agreements over $5500/month or total project fee over $10000
15% commission for monthly service agreements $3500-$5500/month or total project fee $5000-$10000
10% commission for monthly service agreements $1500-$3500/month or total project fee $2000-$5000
Pro Bono
Square Web Solutions, LLC does offer pro bono services. Please note that pro bono services are at the discretion of Square Web Solutions, LLC and are considered very rare. Please understand that full pro bono (free) services require certain restrictions including restrictions on scope and aspects of the project. Square Web Solutions, LLC is very grateful and willing to work with 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organizations. Once again pro bono services may be offered, but discounts on services are more typical and are assessed at the discretion of Square Web Solutions, LLC based on the project. Qualifications for fee discounts may also be based on publicly available information.
Hourly Fees
Square Web Solutions, LLC prefers to work with project and tasked based fees. If desired the client may request hourly fees to be assessed. Please note that hourly fees outside a service agreement, project agreement or support agreement will be assessed for any and all activities that require Square Web Solutions, LLC’s attention. This includes but is not limited to: reading and responding to emails, calls, texts or other communications, research, development, testing, reviewing or anything else that time is expended for the benefit of the client. Although a client may ask for a quote on time or fee, it should be noted that many factors go into completing a request and may alter the final time/fee. If a budget for hourly fees is requested, Square Web Solutions, LLC will note time expended and will notify the client when budgeted time/budget has exceeded. At that time the task/project will be halted until an agreement is met for more hours to be expended on the project. Either way the client is responsible for payment of the accumulated hourly fee whether project is completed or not.
Non-service agreement Hourly Fees
Web Design/Development: $85/hr
App Development: $150/hr
Technical Support (“Hands Off”): $65/hr
Technical Support (“Hands On” includes custom tutorials and videos): $85/hr
Web Consulting (“Hands Off”): $85/hr
Web Consulting (“Hands On” includes custom tutorials and videos): $125/hr
Additional Fees
Outside Business Hours including Weekends and Holidays (Applies to projects/tasks requested to be performed at those times outside Concierge Level service agreement or deemed “Non-Emergency” under any service agreement. Please note Square Web Solutions, LLC reserves the right to perform or not perform work on associated tasks/projects during this time. If work is performed at the discretion of the Square Web Solutions, LLC without the request from the client, the client will not be penalized and will not incur an extra fee) :
Assessed at 300% increase in fee per task with minimum of $300
Rush/Expedited Service Request (Applies to projects/tasks requested to be performed within the following time frame outside Concierge Level Service Agreement or deemed “Non-Emergency” under any service agreement. Please note Square Web Solutions, LLC reserves the right to perform or not perform work on associated tasks/projects within the following time frames. If work is performed at the discretion of the Square Web Solutions, LLC without the request from the client, the client will not be penalized and will not incur an extra fee. Please note that the following time frames include an “and/or” reference to “initial communication” and “resources delivered”. It shall be deemed a rush if initial communication is more than 24hrs, but resources to complete the task are delivered to the Square Web Solutions, LLC within the following time frames of the deadline to complete the task/project.) :
Within 3 hours of initial communication/resources delivered: Assessed at 500% increase in fee with minimum $500 fee.
Within 6 Hours of initial communication/resources delivered: Assessed at 400% increase in fee with minimum $400 fee
Within 12 Hours of initial communication/resources delivered: Assessed at 300% increase in fee with minimum $300 fee
Within 24 Hours of initial communication/resources delivered: Assessed at 200% increase in fee with minimum $200 fee
Any other Projects/Tasks deemed to be considered a “Rush” or “Expedited” will be assessed at Square Web Solutions, LLC’s discretion based on the project/task.
3rd Party Fees:If Square Web Solutions, LLC is responsible for payment of 3rd party fees at the request of the client a 25% fee will be assessed on top of 3rd party rate
Late Fees:
Per 30 days over due: will incur additional 15% Late fee compounded monthly
Any and all work shall cease until payment is received and debt is satisfied
If severely delinquent (6 months past due) it will be at Square Web Solutions, LLCs discretion to submit to a collection agency and/or attorney.
Client shall be responsible for all attorney fees and associated costs.
Failed Payment Fees (Returned Checks/Chargebacks/failed or decline electronic payment):
An immediate $25 “returned check” + 15% of the open invoice and/or returned check amount fee added.
All work shall cease until payment is satisfied
Retraction/removal of services rendered from open invoice/payment failure at Square Web Solutions, LLC’s discretion
Immediate electronic payment (with an additional 5% service fee) or overnight check must be supplied to satisfy open debt and/or invoice
If not reconciled within 5 business days of notice to client, client will incur an additional 5% daily compounded interest until debt is satisfied or settlement reached
If escalated, client shall be responsible for all attorney fees and associated costs
Cancellation or Restructure of Agreement and/or Prepayment service agreement for services may be deemed applicable
Glossary and Definitions:
Referrers payment of 50% deposit before start of project/task and 50% balance due at end of project.
Examples: Total development fee is $10,000. $5000 will be required as a deposit to start the project. When project is completed and/or ready to launch the additional $5000 balance will come due.
Refers to any communication to Square Web Solutions, LLC from the client for the benefit of the client project/task of the client.
There are many tutorials out there regarding web and digital development and services. Please take the time to Google them yourself. If you are needing a specific tutorial including typed, pictures and/or videos Square Web Solutions, LLC can create specific custom tutorials for your need.
Examples: Custom tutorial video on how the client can maintain and manage their website. Custom typed explanation with images for managing a Google Ad Account.
Emergency is typically deemed critical as to the structure of the website or app. Non-Emergency is typically deemed as relating to content or standard tasks/projects. Each will be evaluated by Square Web Solutions, LLC. Examples below are illustrations only and not all of the many diverse examples of both situations.
Example: Emergency – Client notices the website has a “500 Internal Server Error” Message on the front end of the website under agreement and contacts Square Web Solutions, LLC for assistance.
Example: Non-Emergency – Client needs assistance on a marketing email. Client needs assistance in adding content to a site. Client has a deadline fast approaching and turns to Square Web Solutions, LLC in crisis to help.
“Hands Off”
Support via communication only. At no time will the Square Web Solutions, LLC access the administration side of the website, app, service, etc. Client assumes all responsibility for physical labor on said request.
Examples under Technical Support: Square Web Solutions, LLC responding to professional opinion or technical questions via phone, text or email.
Examples under consulting: Planning, hand drawn wire framing, professional consulting and educating, collaborative online or phone meetings, etc.
“Hands On”
Support that includes the Square Web Solutions, LLC accessing the administration side of the website, app, service etc
Examples under Technical Support: Includes “Hands Off” support. Includes the Square Web Solutions, LLC accessing the administration side of the website, app, service, etc. The physical services of the Square Web Solutions, LLC will be limited and would only be used for minimal tasks and/or the technical aspects of a website, app, service, etc.
Examples under consulting: Includes “Hands Off” consulting support. Also includes physical collaboration with a team as well as accessing the administration side of the website, app, service, etc in collaboration of a team or project. Sole Square Web Solutions, LLC involvement/development for a specific project/task may increase this fee as well as physical location of collaboration.
“Hand to Keyboard”
Defined as actual development time. The time Square Web Solutions, LLC is actually physically working on the task/project. Does not take into account time spend on communications or contemplation.
Examples: Square Web Solutions, LLC starts tracking time when physically logging into a site to perform work and stops tracking when finished with the task. When invoicing the client Square Web Solutions, LLC does not included the 2 hours of phone calls, email responses and research time specifically regarding the task performed.
This specifically refers to maintaining and/or updating of the technical aspects of a website, app, server or project.
A fee paid in advance in order to secure or keep services when required. Refers to retaining Square Web Solutions, LLC on a regular basis for availability and/or labor on projects or tasks.
Example: Client expects and requests Square Web Solutions, LLC to send a monthly email campaign on behalf of client as a result client would be ask to enter into a monthly service agreement securing the availability, services and labor of Square Web Solutions, LLC.
Example: Client expects and requests Square Web Solutions, LLC to perform any regular task, project or service over a period of time. As a result a service agreement whether it be weekly, monthly or yearly to secure the availability, services and labor of Square Web Solutions, LLC is required.
Technical Support
The need of assistance on small tasks or questions. This would also relate to the technical side of a project/task as opposed to content.
Examples: Formatting is off on a website. The website is showing an error or “crashing”.
Web Consulting
The use of the web Square Web Solutions, LLC’s expert opinion, research, knowledge and/or skill for the benefit of the client without set service agreement or agreement for development/maintenance/management .
Examples: Client asks Square Web Solutions, LLC to share opinion on Web Content Management Systems. Client asks Square Web Solutions, LLC’s opinion on 3rd party sites or services. Client requests market research from Square Web Solutions, LLC. Client asks Square Web Solutions, LLC to be on a conference call for expert advice and opinion. Client requests Square Web Solutions, LLC to create a plan for development that will be physically implemented and/or developed by others.